DACStorE Publications
Criteria for effective site selection of direct air capture and storage projects
publication by F. Harzendorf, T. Markus, A. Ross, R. Valencia Cotera, C. Baust, S. Vögele, D. Taraborrelli, P. Zapp, V. A. Karydis, P. Bowyer, and D. Stolten, Environmental Research Letters (2024)
Die Carbon Management Strategie und CCS im Lichte klimaundenergierechtlicher Weichenstellungen
publication by T. Markus, D. Otto, and D. Thrän, DAS THEMA (2024)
Reanimation: Carbon Capture and Storage
publication by T. Markus, ZUR (2024)
Sauerstoffempfindlichkeit der RAFT-Polymerisation – Eine Modellierungsstudie
publication by E. Pashayev, F. Kandelhard, P. Georgopanos, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Volume 96, Issue 6: Special Issue: Chemische Reaktionstechnik (2024)
CO2-Responsive Copolymers for Membrane Applications, Synthesis, and Performance Evaluation
publication by E. Pashayev, P. Georgopanos, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (2024)
Electroreduction of CO2 on Au(310)@Cu High-index Facets.
publication by L. Liang, Q. Feng, X. Wang, J. Hübner, U. Gernert, M. Heggen, L. Wu, T. Hellmann, J. P. Hofmann, and P. Strasser, Angew. Chem Int.: 2023 (62)
Functional Material Systems Enabled by Automated Data Extraction and Machine Learning
publication by P. Kalhor, N. Jung, S. Bräse, C. Wöll, P. Friederich, M. Tsotsalas, Adv. Funct. Mat. (2023)
Direct Air Capture Use & Storage – rechtliche und klimapolitische Hintergründe
publication by T. Markus, D. Heß, D. Otto, R. Dittmeyer, ZUR (2023, Heft 3)
Biofunctionalization of Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles via Combined Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization and Nitroxide Exchange Reaction
publication by I. Wagner, S. Spiegel, J. Brückel, M. Schwotzer, A. Welle, M. H. Stenzel, S. Bräse, S. Begum, and M. Tsotsalas, Macro. Materials (2023)
Design of NiNC single atom catalyst layers and AEM electrolyzers for stable and efficient CO2-to-CO electrolysis: Correlating ionomer and cell performance.
publication by J. Wang, T. R. Willson, S. Brückner, D. K. Whelligan, C. Sun, L. Liang, X. Wang, P. Strasser, J. Varcoe, and W. Ju., Electrochimical Acta: 2023 (461:142613)
Entnahme von CO2 als Baustein der deutschen Klimapolitik – 11 kurze Überlegungen zu Abgrenzung, Portfolio und Klimarecht
publication by T. Markus, D. Otto, K. Korte, E. Gawel, H. Schinder, and D. Thrän, UFZ Discussion Papers (2023)