Globale Analyse von Energieangebot und -nachfrage von Direct Air Capture (DAC)-Kraftwerken
Capturing CO2 directly from the air results in high electricity and heat demands for the operation of DAC plants. Furthermore, air temperature and relative humidity influence these energy demands. Using optimization models, we can calculate energy demands for the operation of DAC plants on a global level and show optimal energy supply configurations.
State of the art
Currently, energy demands of DAC plants are mostly given as averages or only consider distinct measurement points from laboratory experiments. These energy demand data is not sufficient for analyses of potential sites for DAC placements as site-specific weather data is needed to calculate the energy demands of DAC plants.
We use global weather and land availability data to analyze site-specific energy demands of absorption- and adsorption-based DAC plants in hourly resolution as well as to optimize the energy supply of the DAC sites. Currently our optimization models consider renewable energy supply options like PV and wind power, batteries and heat storages.
Our approach enables us to provide hourly resolved energy demand data for suitable DAC sites on a global scale as well as water demand of absorption-based DAC or water production of adsorption-based DAC.
Options for companies
If your company wants to develop and build DAC plants, we can analyze which energy demands will occur on specific sites. Furthermore, we can provide optimal configurations for the energy supply of the DAC plants considering site characteristics.

Ihre Kontaktperson für dieses Angebot
Verantwortliches Institut
Dr.-Ing. Freia Harzendorf
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute of Climate and Energy Systems
Jülich Systems Analysis