Identifizierung der besten Materialien zur Abscheidung und Umwandlung von CO2

Capturing the greenhouse gas CO2 directly from the air is known as Direct Air Capture (DAC). Storing or converting captured CO2into a useful product is a priority topic and an active area of research and development globally.
Public R&D labs, including many Helmholtz Centers, energy companies and chemical industries around the world create new materials, devices and systems to identify those with the best technical capabilities and performance.
Our expertise, unique instrumentation and special synthesis & analytical methods, allow technology developers to test their products for efficiency, throughput and long-term stability.
Current Challenges

Electrochemical CO2 capture systems are an assembly of parts such as electrodes and membranes, which themselves are fabricated from a variety of purpose-made materials. Each of these components and sub-components changes its properties and behavior during operation.
Conducting conclusive performance analysis and locating causes of long-term degradation can become very complex since many performance parameters of all active materials inside a system need to be examined in operation.
CO2 technology development is slowed down when developers face critical time delays and budget challenges in putting together or accessing the necessary analytical infrastructure that can deliver conclusive results quickly.
We offer the instrumentation, lab space, analysis methods and expertise to help speed up your development and integration cycles. Access our electron microscopes, X-ray diffractometers, dissolved species analysis, and gas analysis equipment to examine and analyze your samples of materials, interfaces, components or entire CO2 capture systems. Advanced synchrotron-based spectroscopy and 3D imaging tools enable detailed study of materials and systems under operating conditions.
With our capabilities, developers can examine more performance parameters of their samples or components in operation over longer periods of time. Our range of instrumentation and speed of conclusive analysis allows them to quickly identify the next tests and conduct such tests immediately.
Options for companies
HZB makes its analytical methods available to interested companies with specific goals of analyzing liquid or solid samples. Direct contract research or joint research and development cooperations are also possible.

Ihre Kontaktperson für dieses Angebot
Verantwortliches Institut
Boris Schröder
Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Business Development
Technology Transfer & Innovation
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Electrochemical Conversion